All Demo are running under Joomla version 3.8.X

Ai Chatbot or conversational form

Ai Chatbot or Conversational forms component is a new way to optimize conversions. This component make it easy to engage visitors in a more conversational way.
Component backend allow you to create multiple Conversational forms, each conversational form could be used with one menu item.
Each conversational form allow you to create your own questions and their options if questions are optional types eg. radio button.
Supported question field types are -
    - Text box: If question response is based on user Input.
    - Radio button: If question response is based on predefined question options.
    - Email: If question response is based on user input having with email validation.
    - Password: If question response is based on user input as password.

 Check our demo How it works in frontend - Click here for Demo

Component allows to create questions based on a parent question response,
    Question- Did you like our product?
    if user selected Yes then create question_A to ask. (This question will only be display on select Yes from above question).
    if user selected No then create question_B to ask. (This question will only be display on select No from above question).
    Check our demo How it works in frontend - Click here for Demo

    Uses instructions or documentation is inside the download package.


Facebook photo album

Joomla Facebook Photo Gallery module allows you to show all your Facebook albums and photos from any Facebook account and displays them as a photo gallery on your website.Click on the cover image to browser all the photos under the album. Click the first photo of an album to display all the photos in a lightbox-style popup window with next/prev navigation arrows. 

Back-End Configuration



Content on Overlay

Full screen Content Overlay module Can display Multiple Articles Or Multiple Modules, The Unique functionality about these overlays is that they don’t have a fixed size like modals but they occupy all the screen. module backend has many configuration options like to choose overlay animation effects near about 8 overlay animations, multiple threads of this module could be created from backend to display multiple content overlay module on frontend. Many configuration options available on module backend.


After Purchase, You’ll get a zip package named “”.  install it then go to the module manager fined Content On Overlay module.




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Content Popup

Content popup module, can pupup any modules and articles. This popup module uses fancybox so module has fancy box effects, they could be applied according to your choice. content popup module has a customisable button which could be display anywhere of webpage like on module positions or any corner of screen etc. multiple instances of module could be created for multiple popups on same page.

Multiple modules or multiple articles could be display on a single popup.
The Popup could be open on window load - As website or a webpage loads on browser this popup could be open before any activity.

Content pupup demo 3 on window load- click here

This module is Under budget very customisable, easy configurable.
Module pupup uses fancy box.
Html content, video, youtube video, facebook like box, facebook feeds, twitter feeds, contact us form, any article etc. could be popup through modules or articles.
single popup can display single module or article, multiple modules or articles.

Browser Support : [ IE8 and Above, Firefox, Opera, Safari, Firefox MAC, Safari MAC, Chrome etc.].


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